2020 Courses
Please call (405) 748 - 6404 for course registration information.
Functional & Indirect Method of the Whole Body
The courses will be held:
This course is currently postponed until further notice.
Instructor: Micha Sale, PT, M.Ed.
This course is a combination lecture/lab/demonstration course to instruct participants in the principles, evaluation, and treatment techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders of the whole body utilizing functional indirect release techniques. Participants will be able to perform a spinal assessment and sequencing of the upper and lower body to identify and treat mechanical restrictions in the whole musculoskeletal system using functional indirect release techniques.
Functional techniques are positional release techniques that exaggerate the position of the restricted segment. This position is fine-tuned to ease all tension in the area and produce a dynamic homeostatic balance of all tissues. At this point, the body self-corrects and moves into the restricted barrier. It has been described as “the simplest and yet the most potent of manipulative methods.” The specific functional technique that is emphasized in this course is indirect passive. It is the advanced version of the Still Technique taught by George Laughlin, DO, grandson of A. T. Still, MD, DO, to Edward Stiles, DO.
Accreditation: Coming Soon
Registration Fee: $600.00
Early Bird: $550.00 if registered by February 15, 2019
The registration fee includes tuition, breaks, handouts, and certificate of attendance.
Sale Renaissance Center will provide Friday evening dinner and Saturday and Sunday breakfast.
Cancellations allowed for a refund with the exception of $50 per registration.
Group Private Tutorials: Functional Indirect Method Targeted Integration
This course is currently postponed until further notice.
Instructor: Micha Sale PT, M.Ed
This course gathers a maximum of four participants for a four hour session to increase efficacy and efficiency of skill levels in context of the Function Indirect Method weekend course. This Group Private Tutorial session will focus on the principles, evaluation, and treatment techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of complex musculoskeletal disorders of the upper and lower body utilizing Functional Indirect Method.
Each private tutorial experience will be tailored to the skill level(s) of the practitioner and unique learning will occur each tutorial session. Time will be spent treating actual patients and other practitioners in the group.
This session will concentrate to optimizing skill level(s) of participants expanding weekend learning of treatment with an emphasis on Function Indirect techniques of the Upper and Lower Half.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $250.00 per person
Early Bird: $200 if registered by February 15, 2020
Once the registration is completed and the fee has been paid, please call Sale PT to schedule.
First Steps: A Foundational Course for Pediatric Manual Therapy
The course will be held:
Saturday, October 10
Sunday, October 11
Instructor: Kay Davis, PT & Margo Hayes, MS, PT
This course is recommended for physical and occupational therapists interested in acquiring skills and knowledge necessary to apply manual therapy to the pediatric population. “First Steps” provides a foundation for assessing and determining the role of biomechanical restrictions as a hindrance to motor control and skill acquisition. Utilizing lecture, lab, and demonstration, this 9 hour course provides hands-on instruction in determining the Area of Greatest Restriction/Hindrance(AGR/H), and the use of Functional, Indirect treatment as developed by Edward G. Stiles, DO, FAAOdist. Basic myofascial techniques will also be introduced. Course content builds on the intro course provided by Kay Davis, PT at the Oklahoma Association of Neonatal and Pediatric Therapist Conference in 2017. Participants will receive a copy of that presentation prior to attending the course.
Therapists will gain increased understanding and skill regarding spinal mechanics, identification of a key
biomechanical-segmental hindrance, localization of treatment to that restricted joint segment(s), as well as application of appropriately titrated, vectored assistance to affected joints and muscular tissues to optimize mobility and skill acquisition for
the pediatric patient.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $450.00
Early Bird: $400.00 if registered by August 15, 2020
The registration fee includes tuition, breaks, handouts, and certificate of attendance.
Cancellations allowed for a refund with the exception of $50 per registration.
The Dental/Body Connection
Friday, December 4
Saturday, December 5
Sunday, December 6
Instructor: Charlie Beck, DO, FAAO
Could your mouth be the root cause of your dysfunction? G.V. Black, the father of modern dentistry said “All disease starts in the mouth” - he could have been far more correct than he knew. This course explores the mechanical connections that the teeth/mouth have with the rest of the body, but it does it in a new, never before presented, way. This is not the course on the acupuncture meridians and how they show up in the teeth.
This is not a typical osteopathic ALF dental course. This course is SO much more…
In this course we will cover:
Strains (both embryologic and intraosseous) that occur in the teeth and their associated ligaments and how these strains can change the body during growth and how they also effect how orthodontia impacts the body.
The teeth and how they influence the cranium (individually and in groups) and cause or correct strain patterns will be discussed. This portion leads into how to use that information to help adjust dental appliances.
How retained primitive reflexes can hinder therapy (because they dictate movement patterns in the body (and face and tongue), and how to quickly test to see if the ones that would hinder treatment are present.
How the teeth can affect the eyes / vision and vice versa. This is critically important for dentists to understand, because when the eyes and the teeth compete, the vision always has the right of way (i.e., it ultimately wins). This may be why some of your patients struggle with their treatment. We will talk about how to diagnose vision issues and who to send them to if they arise.
How dental strains / dysfunction / inadequate facial development can influence digestion, posture, your heart and lungs, your brain, etc. via Chapman’s reflex correlation with the mouth and teeth (and how to correct it using a team approach).
How the teeth, palate, tongue and hyoid influence the spine (both positively and/or negatively) will also be tested. This helps each practitioner know when their talents will best assist the patient and allows the patient to obtain a relaxed, neutral, upright posture.
At the end of the course the student will understand when to look at the mouth/oral structures, how to correct oral structures to bring about change in not only the oral cavity, but the rest of the body, and when to add in other dental professionals to obtain adequate and consistent results. Come and discover if the teeth, mouth and tongue are influencing YOUR body and learn how to correct it (and how to better help all of your patients).
This course is a must have for dentists using any orthodontic device, osteopaths and other manual therapists working with dentists and dental devices (whether those devices are currently in place or have been used historically), ENT's and oromyofunctional therapists. The screening method taught in the course allows an interpretation of “who comes first” in the therapy process and how to proceed in treatment by allowing the patient's body to guide the way so that each practitioner gets to shine and the patient wins.
This course is open to anyone who has a heathcare license and works with the mouth or the body.
Charlie’s thoughts on the course: what my wife and I have discovered over the last three years has completely changed my practice - this seems to be the missing piece of osteopathy and the bridge to help dentists, oromyofunctional therapists, osteopaths, ENT’s and others work together to transform patient's lives.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $1,500.00 per person
Early Bird: $1,300.00 if registered by October 15, 2020
If you would like to learn more about the course, or Dr. Beck, please visit his website
Year - Long Courses
Advanced Manual Therapy Mentorship
Saturday, February 1, 9 AM - 1 PM
Saturday, August 1, 9 AM - 1 PM
Saturday, November 7, 9 AM - 1 PM
​Instructor: Micha Sale, P.T., M.Ed.
This course is a combination lecture/lab/demonstration course to improve participants’ effectiveness and efficiency in evaluation and treatment of difficult and complex Musculoskeletal disorders of the upper and lower half of the body and craniofacial pain syndromes. Over a series of three sessions and private tutorial (scheduled individually), participants will be able to perform multiple evaluation tools to effectively localize the key restrictions of the whole body with myofascial, gait, mechanical, and cranial screens and treat gait, upper and lower extremity dysfunctions, and cranial visual/occlusion dysfunctions with the use of indirect techniques and direct techniques.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $625.00
Early Bird: $525.00 if registered by December 15, 2019
Essential Elements
Tuesday, January 14, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, February 11, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, September 8, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, October 6, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
​Instructor: Margo Hayes, MS, PT
This course is recommended for physical and occupational therapists that completed the basic muscle energy, sequencing, and functional courses in manual physical therapy. During 9 two-hour mentorship sessions (utilizing lecture, demonstrations, and labs directed towards specific regions of the body), essential elements of evaluation and treatment strategies for the spine, extremities, will be reviewed with emphasis on direct instructor/therapist guidance to promote increased mastery of manual therapy evaluation and treatment techniques utilizing muscle energy and functional-indirect approaches. Thus the intent is to keep the class size small. In addition, due to the brevity of the class, participants will be encouraged to review previous class notes prior to each session.
Therapists will gain increased understanding and skill mastery regarding spinal mechanics, identification of a key biomechanical-segmental hindrance, localization of treatment to that restricted joint segment(s), as well as application of appropriately titrated resistance and/or assistance to affected joint and muscular tissues thus optimizing mobility and function for the patient.
For Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists: 18 contact hours will be approved in the state of Oklahoma.
Registration Fee: $650.00
Early Bird: $600.00 if registered before November 15, 2019
The registration fee includes tuition, breaks, handouts, and certificate of attendance.
Cancellations allowed for a refund with the exception of $50 per registration.
Cranial Components
Tuesday, January 28, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, February 25, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 3:45 - 5:45 PM
​Instructor: Margo Hayes, MS, PT
This course is recommended for physical and occupational therapists that completed Dr. Stiles Sutural Cranial and functional courses in manual physical therapy. During 3 two-hour mentorship sessions (utilizing lecture, demonstrations, and labs), essential elements of evaluation and treatment strategies for the AO and AA joints andhead will be reviewed with emphasis on direct instructor/therapist guidance to promote increased mastery of manual therapy evaluation and treatment techniques of muscle energy and functional. Thus the intent is to keep the class size small. In addition, due to the brevity of the class, participants will be encouraged to review notes prior to each session.
Therapists will gain increased understanding and skill mastery regarding spinal mechanics, identification of a key biomechanical-segmental hindrance, localization of treatment to that restricted joint segment(s), as well as application of appropriately titrated resistance and/or assistance to affected joint and muscular tissues thus optimizing mobility and function for the patient.
For Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists: 6 contact hours will be approved in the state of Oklahoma.
Registration Fee: $450.00
Early Bird: $400.00 if registered before November 15, 2019
The registration fee includes tuition, breaks, handouts, and certificate of attendance.
Cancellations allowed for a refund with the exception of $50 per registration.
Private Tutorials
Private Tutorials are scheduled individually based on time availability of participant and are offered at various dates and times throughout the year. Private Tutorials are scheduled by calling our office at (405)748-6404.
Please call Sale PT in January to begin scheduling for 2020.
Instructor: Micha Sale, P.T., M.Ed.
This course is a one on one, one hour lab practical course that can be repeated to enhance efficacy and efficiency of participant’s skill level in the principles, evaluation, and treatment techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of complex musculoskeletal disorders of the upper and lower body utilizing any combination of muscle energy techniques, strain/counterstrain techniques and functional indirect techniques. Each private tutorial experience will be tailored to the skill level of the practitioner and unique learning will occur each tutorial session.
Participants will be able to utilize/perform multiple evaluation tools to identify the key/primary restrictions and choose the appropriate treatment using direct and indirect manual therapy techniques to effectively and successfully treat the patient to restore normal gait mechanics.
Special attention will also be given to practitioner’s body positioning and mechanics during treatment in order to improve the efficacy of treatment and patient results.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $200.00
After completing registration, please call Sale PT to schedule.
Past Courses
Group Private Tutorials: Skill Building and Integration
*Registration is limited to 4 Participants per Session
Friday, February 21, 2020, 8 AM - 12 PM
Instructor: Micha Sale, PT, M.Ed.
This course gathers a maximum of four participants per session to increase efficacy and efficiency of skill levels. These four hour session tutorials focus on the principles, evaluation, and treatment techniques involved in the diagnosis and
treatment of complex musculoskeletal disorders of the upper and lower body utilizing any combination of muscle energy techniques, HV/LA, strain/counterstrain techniques and functional indirect techniques.
Each private tutorial experience will be tailored to the skill level(s) of the practitioner and unique learning will occur each tutorial session. Time will be spent treating actual patients and other practitioners in the group.
Accreditation: Coming soon
Registration Fee: $250.00 per person
Early Bird: $200
​Cranial Sutural Method
The course will be held:
Friday, February 21, 2020, 6 PM - 9 PM
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 8 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, February 23, 2020, 8 AM - 12 PM
Instructor: Edward G. Stiles, D.O., FAAODist. & Micha Sale, PT, M.Ed.
This course is a combination of lecture/lab/demonstration to instruct participants in the principles, evaluation, and treatment techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of suture and membranous restrictions utilizing functional/indirect release techniques. Participants will be able to perform an assessment and sequence the treatment of suture and membranous restrictions in the cranial-sacral system using functional/indirect techniques.
Accreditation: Coming Soon
Registration Fee: $600.00
Early Bird: $550.00